Efforts to spread Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation (MDM) narratives among Latinos to hinder their participation in the country’s political processes have existed for a long time, but these efforts have been accelerated by the information revolution and other features of our modern society. This session defined the problem, explained the factors that lead to its spread among Latinos, and shed light on efforts to strike the right balance between ensuring information integrity and protecting free speech.

Roberta Braga, Executive Director of the Digital Democracy Institute of the Americas joined Dr. Inga Trauthig, Head of Research, Propaganda Research Lab at the Center for Media Engagement, Moody College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin; Cameron Martel, PhD Candidate, Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dave Willner, Non-Resident Fellow, Stanford Program on Governance of Emerging Technologies, Stanford University; and Jaime Longoria, Manager of Research and Training, Disinfo Defense League, Media Democracy Fund for this conversation as a part of NALEO's Defiende La Verdad series of convenings.