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Capacity-BuildingEvent: NATO Youth Summit 2024 Panel - Democracy Under Fire
May 13, 2024

As part of the 2024 NATO Youth Summit in Miami, FL, DDIA Executive Director Roberta Braga and DDIA Board Member Olga Belogolova spoke on the intersection of tech and democracy as part of two panel discussions on democratic backsliding and information integrity challenges online, respectively.

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Capacity-BuildingEvent: FlU Hemispheric Security Conference Panel - Emerging Cyber Threats
May 10, 2024

Roberta Braga, DDIA Executive Director, spoke on emerging cybersecurity threats and information integrity issues at the 2024 Hemispheric Security Conference (HSC) hosted by Florida International University.

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Capacity-BuildingEvent: The Hub Project Panel - Trending Up: The New News
May 9, 2024

As part of "The New News: How Creators Are Redefining the Media Landscape," DDIA Executive Director Roberta Braga discussed, alongside creators and industry leaders, the shifting media landscape and the opportunity for creators to bring quality news to their audiences.

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Capacity-BuildingEvent: NALEO Educational Fund Panel - A Perfect Storm: Defining MDM and Exploring the Risk Factors that Lead to Its Spread Among Latinos
May 9, 2024

Roberta Braga, Executive Director of the Digital Democracy Institute of the Americas joined Dr. Inga Trauthig, Head of Research, Propaganda Research Lab at the Center for Media Engagement, Moody College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin; Cameron Martel, PhD Candidate, Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dave Willner, Non-Resident Fellow, Stanford Program on Governance of Emerging Technologies, Stanford University; and Jaime Longoria, Manager of Research and Training, Disinfo Defense League, Media Democracy Fund for this conversation as a part of NALEO's Defiende La Verdad series of convenings.

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Capacity-BuildingCapacity-Building Program: Latinos, Media, and Democracy - The Periodistas Edition 2024
May 7, 2024

DDIA launches The Periodistas Edition of the Latinos, Media, and Democracy program, an 8-week, no-cost, series of workshops designed to support journalists and content producers with the tools and knowledge they need to understand, cover, and counter disinformation in Latino communities in the United States.

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Capacity-BuildingEvent: Concordia Americas Panel - The Rule of Law, Security, and Human Rights in Latin America
Apr 22, 2024

Roberta Braga, DDIA Founder and Executive Director, spoke at a public roundtable discussion at Concordia Americas. The session explored innovative strategies aimed at fostering a rule of law that harmonizes security and human rights, ensuring a more equitable, stable, and just future for the region.

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Capacity-BuildingEvent: NALEO Panel - Defiende La Verdad Summit for South Florida Latino Media Professionals
Apr 16, 2024

Roberta Braga, DDIA Executive Director, joined A Perfect Storm: Defining MDM and Exploring the Risk Factors that Lead to Its Spread Among Latinos to discuss the factors that lead to MDM's spread among Latinos, and shed light on efforts to strike the right balance between ensuring information integrity and protecting free speech.

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Capacity-BuildingEvent: NYU’s Center for Social Media and Politics Panel - Understanding Media Habits & Engaging Latino Communities
Apr 15, 2024

DDIA Executive Director Roberta Braga joined a group of experts from civil society and community groups to discuss the challenges our current digital media ecosystem presents for understanding and engaging Latino communities in politics.

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