-Dec 18, 2024
DDIA’s REDESCover newsletter features emerging narratives and updates about information disorder spreading in Latino spaces online in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
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-Nov 5, 2024
Durante la Jornada Electoral llevada a cabo por Factchequeado el pasado 5 de noviembre, El Instituto Democracia Digital de las Américas (DDIA) compartió las principales desinformaciones en español en grupos latinos de WhatsApp durante las elecciones de EE.UU. de 2024. Estas incluyen: afirmaciones de fraude electoral en el condado de Cambria, Pennsylvania, debido a fallos en máquinas de votación; especulaciones de una victoria de Trump en Florida basadas en datos selectivos; y contenido extremista que ataca a Kamala Harris y busca crear divisiones mediante temas como Gaza, respaldado por medios iraníes.
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-Nov 5, 2024
DDIA answers a few frequently asked questions about what we can expect when it comes to Latino voters and disinformation on Election Day. These quick takes are available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
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-Oct 31, 2024
On October 31, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a panel on the role of social media in elections, moderated by Roberta Braga, Executive Director of the Digital Democracy Institute of the Americas (DDIA). Experts explored the challenges of regulating platforms to combat disinformation while protecting free speech, drawing insights from elections in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela, and discussing implications for the upcoming U.S. elections.
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-Oct 31, 2024
In Episode 1 of the newly launched Cinco Preguntas con María Elena Salinas podcast, the renowned journalist speaks with Paola Ramos, author of "Defectors: The Rise of the Latino Far Right and What It Means for America," about critical issues around Latino identity, political power, and disinformation around the 2024 U.S. elections. Ramos references DDIA's recent polling on Latinos and disinformation.
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-Oct 31, 2024
Este artículo analiza las principales desinformaciones dirigidas a la comunidad latina en Estados Unidos antes de las elecciones y que a pesar de estas campañas, el votante latino ha mostrado mayor escepticismo y preparación para identificar noticias falsas, en parte gracias al surgimiento de organizaciones de verificación y a la barrera idiomática que dificulta la difusión de la desinformación. Además, el artículo destaca que la economía es un tema central para esta comunidad en el contexto electoral.
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-Oct 30, 2024
Claims of undocumented voting and electoral fraud target Latino voters, but a more informed, skeptical community is harder to mislead. False messages like “Biden opened borders for votes” circulate, yet language barriers reduce misinformation’s impact. Economic concerns remain a focal point for disinformation efforts this election.
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-Oct 30, 2024
As November 5 approaches, anti-immigrant rhetoric and disinformation campaigns pushing false election fraud allegations are surging, including in Latino spaces online. One week out from Election Day, Roberta Braga, Founder and Executive Director of the Digital Democracy Institute of the Americas, joined CBS Mornings live in New York City to discuss how voters can prepare and what we can expect pre- and post-election.
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